who we are
For over 100 Years

The Molina Family has been producing and exporting coffee for a century on several farms located around the Capital city of Guatemala. Our farms are located in the Fraijanes Plateau region, adjacent to the city, which has long been known for its volcanic soil (thanks to the active Volcano Pacaya), abundance of rain, variable humidity, high altitudes and plenty of sun in the dry season which allows for sun dried beans.
We Give Back
To Our Community
We as a farm do many things for the local community
We built fresh water tanks that provide most of the potable water to town. We built a soccer stadium, a great social gathering place for a culture that loves its Futbol!
We also contribute to mother nature
Our wet mill is state of the art, using very little amounts of water to process the ripe coffee, in comparison to traditional coffee mills that may use hundreds or thousands of gallons a day, we us less than 200 gallons daily. Hunting fauna is prohibited in our farms. In return, our natural water springs are protected from contamination.